Bridge of Wishes (Podul Dorintelor) Bridge of Kisses (Podul Sarutului) Boat trip in Neajlov Delta (second largest after Danube Delta) Flora (and delightful mole trails) Casa Comana
1. Acropolis The Acropolis is one of the energetic centers of the world. Its history is a quintessence of human history and the source of modern thinking and culture. There is so much to be said about the "while hill" that my emotion can only find a few words, urging you to see it. Propylaea Parthenon 2. Beach day in Athens Choose at least a day to visit the many beaches along the Athenian coast. You can find several buses at Elliniko subway station taking you along this coast towards the seaside villages outside Athens. Or choose the route of the tram from Syntagma. Varkiza 3. Agora You will find the Ancient Agora of Athens to the northwest of the Acropolis: a magical place where many remnants of ancient monuments are blending with the untamed nature of Athens. Apparently guarded by the gods in disguise :) Temple of Hephaestus dominates the site as the most well-preserved ancient Greek temple in Athens. The great blacksmith roams in the shadows (very noisily, as a craftsgod should be) disguised as the gentle spur-thighed tortoise. Temple of Hephaestus In the scorching heat, you can take a shower with the trees. The Ancient Agora Museum is a charming little museum gathering treasures in the reconstructed Stoa of Attalos, and having its own guardian, the fierce (pffff) Odysseus. 4. Agistri In the Saronic Gulf, just a little after the largest island Aegina, you will reach this small jewel by taking the ferry or a Flying Dolphin from Piraeus. Pristine waters, secret coves (even a nudist beach) and pine forest trails. 5. Acropolis Museum One of the most beautiful museums in the world, the Acropolis Museum was conceived to accommodate the Parthenon in real-life scale. It will surprise you at every step (don't forget to look down, by the way), and I am doing my best to invite you there without spoiling its surprising factor. 6. Flea Market at Monastiraki The entire old center of Athens is more or less a flea market, but you will find it all converging towards Monastiraki and Plaka, which you shouldn't miss if you want to breathe the city, day and night, its small shops, street food, music and people. 7. Olympieion Can't be in Athens without saying hi to the Big Boss and his glorious, watchful Corinthian temple. Temple of Olympian Zeus 8. National Garden A perfect escape in the midst of Athenian heat, dust, marbles, the green gardens of Queen Amelia, create an impressive, most beautiful park where you can rest, relax, enjoy the shadow, the many plant and animal species, and the perfume of the 19th century. "It remains in my memory like no other park I have known. It is the quintessence of a park, the thing one feels sometimes in looking at a canvas or dreaming of a place one would like to be in and never finds." Henry Miller about the National Garden of Athens. 9. Strolling day and night One thing I like to do when visiting both a new and known place is to find at least a day or a few hours to just stroll around the city, to let it guide me and take me to unexpected places and special moments. Aimlessly entrust your feet to the beating heart of the city, follow the calling of corners, smells, noises and your trust will be rewarded with its surprises. Street performers in center Athens